Grasses add different textures, movement and drama to a border – ideal for creating sensory gardens.
Ornamental grasses are fantastic plants often used to soften hard landscaping, or to contrast against other plants. Many grasses such as Panicum Northwind, can be quite architectural.
Grasses are versatile plants for all garden situations – easy to grow and low maintenance. As our summers become increasingly hotter and longer, many gardeners are using more grasses in their planting schemes as they can generally fend for themselves and don’t require much watering … the perfect plant for a busy gardener.
Grasses come in many different colours, shapes and sizes and offer year-round interest. Shorter growing varieties are often included in mixed inspirational container planting. Drift planting of Festuca glauca, or clumps of mounding habit grasses, like Carex oshimensis, will certainly catch your eye but will also look good throughout the winter. Taller varieties such as Miscanthus sinensis are another winter beauty, as their dried flower heads look stunning as they glisten in the winter frost.